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Din-Rail DC Ib Theem Zog Meter SPM90 nrog cov haujlwm yooj yim thiab cov khoom siv mem tes, xaiv tau Shunt, Modbus raws tu qauv

Din-rail hom DC zog ntsuas

Din-Rail DC Ib Theem Zog Meter SPM90 nrog cov haujlwm yooj yim thiab cov khoom siv mem tes, xaiv tau Shunt, Modbus raws tu qauv

1.Real-time ntsuas ib Circuit Court DC voltage, tam sim no, hwj chim, kWh

2.High raug: Chav kawm 0.5

3.One LED qhia mem tes tso zis

4.RS485 chaw nres nkoj, MODBUS-RTU lossis DL/T645 raws tu qauv (yeem)

5.35mm DIN rail txhim kho, txheem DIN ED5002

6.Shunt: 100A, 200A, 300A, 400A

      Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb

      Tau tshaj Software

      PiEMS System 1 vwd

      Smart PiEMS System

      Khoom Taw Qhia

      twb 2w8a
      • SPM90 muaj cov nqi-zoo, kev sib tw ntawm ib-theem DIN rail-mounted zog ntsuas qhov zoo tagnrho rau DC vaj huam sib luag, them pawg thiab kev siv xov tooj hauv chaw nres tsheb. Ua ke nrog RS485 chaw nres nkoj, Modbus-RTU lossis DL / T 645-2007 kev sib txuas lus raws tu qauv, nws ua kom yooj yim rau kev sib txuas hluav taws xob ntsuas ntsuas rau hauv Smart PiEMS lub zog tswj kev tswj hwm thiab Smart PiDMS kev tswj hwm kev faib tawm.
      twb 5n4
        Qhov ntsuas ntsuas no tuaj yeem ntsuas qhov voltage, tam sim no, lub zog thiab lub zog ua haujlwm hauv DC system. Tsis tsuas yog nws tuaj yeem siv los ua cov zaub hauv zos, tab sis nws kuj tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kev ntsuas los ntawm kev sib txuas nrog cov cuab yeej tswj kev lag luam thiab khoos phis tawj. Nws yog qhov ua tau zoo tshaj plaws automation meter uas tuaj yeem ua haujlwm nrog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob niaj hnub DC hauv kev lag luam thiab kev lag luam mining, pej xeem lub tsev thiab lub tsev automation.

        Cov khoom lag luam ua tau raws li cov kev xav tau ntawm GB / T 29318-2012 (Kev ntsuas hluav taws xob ntawm lub tsheb tsis siv hluav taws xob ntawm Electromotive) thiab Chav Kawm 0.5 ntawm DL / T 1484-2015 (Technical Regulations of DC power power).


      Qhov tseeb Chav Kawm 1   Kev sib txuas lus 1 lossis 2RS485 chaw nres nkoj, MODBUS-RTU
      Hwj chim muab hluav taws xob DC48V, ntau yam: DC36V ~ 72V Chaw nyob: 1-247
      Hwj chim noj Baud tus nqi: 1200,2400,4800,9600,19200, 38400bps
      Rated Qhov hluav taws xob DC DC 48V, ntau yam: 2-1000V LTE Wireless LTE-FDD B1/B3/B5/B8 LTE-FDD B34/B38/B39/B40/B41
      Rated Tam sim no DC 12 ± 8mA ntawm lub sensor LoRa Wireless 470-510Mhz (tus qauv tsim)
      Pib Tam sim no 0.002 Ib Qhov Loj (L * W * H) 102*63 * 72.5 hli
      Digital Tswv yim Kev sib cuag ntub dej, DC 48V KuvP index IP20
      mem tes tso zis 1 channel, mem tes dav: 80ms Ib puag ncig Ua haujlwm kub: -25 ℃ ~ + 60 ℃ Max. Ua haujlwm kub: 40 ℃ - + 70 ℃
      mem tes Tsis tu ncua 1000 kWh/m²
      EMC Txuj Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test RF Electromagnetic Field Immunity testing Electrical fast transient immunity test Surge immunity test Txhaj Tam sim no Immunity Test Electromagnetic emission limit Voltage sag and short-time interruption Immunity test IEC61000-4-2:2001 IEC61000-4-3:2002 IEC61000-4-4:2006 IEC61000-4-5:2005 IEC61000-4-6:2006 CISPR22:2006 Dhau
      Parameter Qhov tseeb Kev daws teeb meem Kev ntsuas ntau
      Qhov hluav taws xob 0.2% 0, 001v 10 ~ 1000V
      Tam sim no 0.2% 0.001 A 0-2000 A
      Hwj chim 0.5% 0,001 wb 0-2000 kW
      Zog Chav Kawm 0.5 0.001 kWh 0 ~ 99999999.999 kWh